Thomas Giordano

Thomas Giordano is an undergraduate student in the Bachelor of Architecture program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He attended CASE in the Spring of 2022, and he is from New Jersey. He was able to follow many interests he had before attending CASE, such as plant growth, aquaponics, and electronic automation. CASE provided an opportunity to follow these paths and allow them to come together in multiple projects.

His research included Mycelium Acoustic Panels, Aquaponics Prototyping, Sensor Data Visualization in Grasshopper and Rhino, ThreeJS Scripting, Moss Biofilter Prototyping, and Arduino Applications. His research continues into the fall with PhD student Will Pepi, on his BIOM project. Work shown here is a sampling of some of his work in various disciplines.


Cindy Zhou


Gillian Strothenke