Maya Sanders


Maya Sanders is a student in the Built Ecologies Masters of Science program at CASE. 

Their background is in Sustainability and Ecology, and prior to CASE, Maya worked on analytical research projects with several labs at RPI, including The Global Water Lab, The Center for Infrastructure Technology and the Environment (CITE), and The Darrin Fresh Water Institute (DFWI). Maya has also presented their ethnographic research on the applications of citizen science at the 2019 Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) research conference.

Currently, their research at CASE aims to understand how digital infrastructure can improve food distribution channels and extend the utility of food security initiatives in New York City. More specifically, Maya is prototyping a web-tool that would use open source data and GIS mapping to help food insecure people locate affordable produce in their area, and connect them to resources for healthy eating and grocery support.

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Jingshi Zhang


Alexa Drumm